Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Considering Church

I started going to a college and career group at the church that I currently go to.  It is quite an interesting array of things and definitely reminds me of what I used to do back in Illinois.  It is a great and wonderful thing.  Ever since I moved out here I have felt like I was being drawn away from church (they say the devil goes after would-be and actual pastors the most).  Now that I am free from having that label (rather sad about this at times) I feel that I can have better interaction with God's Word and it is always a joy to have fellow believers around me that share in this joy.  This past week I met a guy named Wes who is very much on fire for the Lord.  He, apparently, has been going to New Life for about a year now and has also visited other churches but has never found what he found at New Life.  But, I consider it great joy to know that there are people out there who are actually brought to such a great church after growing up a non-believer.  Most of the time you find these kinds of people in the starter churches (the ones that water down the gospel so much that they just tell you what you want to hear instead of the whole truth).  Anyways, about the meeting:  They finished up Jude this week and it was amazing.  I studied Jude last summer because I figured on writing some sermons on it (that never happened) but I gained many great insights into this book.  Jude is giving us such a great warning to be weary of the false teachers that surround us, telling us what we want to hear instead of what we need to hear.  If only the church followed this I would not be so bitter towards some churches.  
I also recently ran across a post on revelife.com speaking of how someone went from a protestant church to the Catholic church because it was liturgical.  This person then went on to speak of how the two churches are separated because the Protestant Church does not believe in liturgy.  This greatly shocked me, since all liturgy is is the following of the same order every week for how the service is conducted.  The outline in your bulletin (prelude, song, prayer, scripture reading, sermon) is the liturgy of the service.  Therefore, does that mean that the Protestant church is supposed to be spontaneous and not follow any order at all?  I am left to wonder.  


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