Saturday, July 12, 2008

Christianity as a Cure for Boredom?

Does Christianity really cure boredom? What is boredom, though? Is it really equated to meaninglessness? I do not believe that it is. Boredom in a general sense is finding life to be dull at a certain moment. Does Christianity make life fun? I do not really believe so. The Christian journey is a journey with its ups and downs. Can you be bored as a Christian? Yes you can. Does the world around us look at Christianity as boredom? I would guarantee that people around us look at us as boring because while they can engage in sexual promiscuity and all the other "fun" things we cannot do these things. It seems like the world would see us as boring. We can't have any "fun" after all. What would make someone go from having all that "fun" to the struggle that is the Christian life? Yes, everything apart from the worship and study of God is meaningless, but I don't see how boredom really equates to meaninglessness. In the worldly sense of the word, these are polar opposites.


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