Saturday, July 12, 2008

Central to Church?

No doubt someone somewhere will take objection to this post. No doubt. I know for a fact that we should never structure where we go to church around the music that they have. Sure, a few years and still even today people are leaving churches because they sing out of a book instead of off a screen. Does the medium really matter? Some people say that they will not sing off a screen because they do not see the music that accompanies those lyrics. A church back home one uped these people by providing the musical notes along with the words. The other side of people do not want to sing from a hymnal because it either limits them in their "spontaneous worship of God" or it is just too heavy for them. But, I am convinced that as long as those songs are glorifying to God they are alright. The thing that I cannot stand for is people that go to a church because of the music that they have. Is music honestly that important? Does it matter whether those songs are played by an organ or by a guitar? I think not. What really matters to me is the preaching of the word. I would much rather go to a church that does not know how to sing than go to a church that does not know what the true Gospel is. Christ came to this Earth for a reason. It was not to make us monetarily rich, but to make us rich in spirit. You can read all the books you want about how to make yourself better, but if you are not sitting under the true Gospel you are not going to gain anything. Riches of this world are fleeting. Entertainment is fleeting, but the true Gospel will never leave. It stands forever.


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