Saturday, July 12, 2008

Another Reflection (03/07)

Often times we hear people say the only things in life that are certain are death and taxes. But, what does death really mean if there is nothing after this world? What is the purpose of humans in the first place? We can look at things around us and find a purpose in most things, but there really is no purpose for man if there is nothing after this world. Christians see a purpose beyond this life, but Christians are no longer the majority. So, what does the world see in death? Nothing, they see the grave as the end. Sure you can influence people to think. Just look at L. Ron Hubbard. He got people to believe Scientology, but has it gotten him any further? Do we exist on this earth to do the most good for the most people? Isn't that relative though? Even if we do good there is someone out there that will do more good than you. So why do good in the first place? So that you don't die for doing evil? People may remember you for a little while after you die, but not for very long. So, why do good? If you know that no one is going to remember you would you still do as much good as you possibly could? But, then again, what is good? There is a series of questions which are nonsense. If you are a Christian you know why you exist in this world.
The other thing that simply makes no sense to me is to hear people say "oh, he/she settled, they could have done so much better." I see marriage as a committment and if you enter a marriage because you feel that you can do no better I find you depressing. Why would you marry someone if you find someone else out there? I don't think you can settle in marriage. But, wait, what does it mean to settle? Do you admit to your husband/wife that you settled? Obviously there has to be some love somewhere or else you would not have married the person in the first place. Get over it, people, you cannot possibly settle in marriage. It is a divine institution and there has to be feelings. Sure, some people don't marry the pretty/handsome people that you think they should, but that beauty fades. If I wake up next to someone who is ugly on the inside I have made a huge mistake in life. Sure, there has to be some kind of physical attraction, but it is what is inside that counts. If marriage had to fit into the shallow standards that so many people impose there would be such a lack of good people out there. Don't be shallow, realize that people marry because they like the people, not because they feel they can do no better.


At 18/7/08 12:51, Blogger Jeff and Beth Gutierrez said...

Adam, I love your questioning. I have heard people call the Apostle Thomas a doubter--but I think he was more of a questioner.

At 18/7/08 12:51, Blogger Jeff and Beth Gutierrez said...

Adam, I love your questioning--it's one of the most important things we can do in life.


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