Saturday, July 12, 2008


Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said "God is not to be seen, for if he were seen he would be nothing more than an idol." Well, I fully agree with this quote. If you think about it it is absolutely true. So many people in this world today will only believe in a god if that god is seen by them. Well, God is not seen this way. If he were seen this way he would be nothing more than a human, but God is so much greater than we can ever think or imagine. If He was seen that would make him much less and non-important. But God is very important. The Christian walk is concerned with following the ways that He has set out for us. If we do not follow these ways what is our life? If God shows himself to these doubters what would make them believe anyways? At that point God would not be worth believing anymore because these people are worshipping that image and as many people would conclude, God has no "image" because he is not seen by us in the terms that you are thinking. God is only seen in our understanding, not in our sight. And the understanding that we actually have is little at all.


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