Monday, November 28, 2005

Speaking in Tongues?

Okay, so this thing about speaking in tongues. What does it actually mean? To me it is the argument of baby. babble, booble. It sounds like gibberish. Speaking in tongues to me is speaking in a foreign language, like Spanish, or something. I am too tired to finish this blog, so here goes the copy and paste:
I can understand it as speaking another language. I definitely don't think that it is this understanding of what seems to be gibberish. If others can't understand you how is it worshipful? I understand speaking in tongues as speaking in a language. The very passage that says that the tongues must cease if no one is there to translate would seem to indicate that you are simply speaking another language than the normal language of the congregation. An example of my understanding would be speaking Spanish in an English congregation. Obviously if no one is there to translate the talking into English it would be useless. I don't think that speaking in tongues in the way that current denominations talk about it is actually the way that it is actually talked about in the Bible. If you are not talking in your native tongue then you are speaking in another tongue. Wow, I guess that makes my argument.

Good enough.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

How is life explained?

So, I have noticed something. I have become very against many things since starting at Westminster. I started making fun of Mulletman since coming out here and now I hate KLOVE. How impressive? Well, the station isn't on par with my theology at all. Mulletman never actually went to college, so how can he be a preacher? I guess to a certain extent God can grant you opportunities, but don't you need to learn some earthly skills to get by? I guess not!!!
In other news, my sister is due any day now. That should be fun considering that I am in SoCal and she is in Illinois. I am going to be an uncle for the first time. Yea me.
So, how is life explained? Is it a series of events that just happens to unfold in our lives? Some argue that everything can't be predetermined by God or there would be no purpose to life. Well, what is your purpose in life if God is not your purpose? You have no purpose, I hate to inform you. The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.

Monday, November 14, 2005

What is Man?

What is man that we are mindful of him? Anyways, why did the church that I went to yesterday suck? That is the worst feeling ever. It just felt dead. It is times like those that make me wonder if I can actually last as a CRC pastor. Do you just give up after a while? I don't think so. I think that we just need to keep trying things in life. We can't give up until we finally see that glory. We should realize that life could be much worse for us. Listening to the crappiest station ever, KLOVE, makes me want to go through the radio and punch the djs in the mouth. They suck and they are preaching a completely untrue gospel. I don't think that KLOVE is God's mouthpiece. Why is giving to KLOVE supposed to be better than giving to the church? Church is fundamental in the Christian's life, not a radio station.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Some Interesting Comments

I am reminded of the word pelupula which Reuben would always say for some reason. Anyways, my weekly post is upon us. It could be the same as xanga, but maybe it will be different.
So, I heard that the freshmen at Dordt are getting the TNIV. How completely unfortunate and what a waste of paper. Yes, we are dutch so we take handouts, but this Bible is so wrong. Gender neutralnis (I made up a word) is not acceptable in the Bible. There is a distinction that should be made. Looking at Zondervan's website it says that the same translators that did this did the NIV. Well, without taking away from the NIV, how can this be possible? The NIV specifically renders certain words male as to take away any doubt that women can do the task. And in this version it isn't rendered the same way? That would mean that these translators have changed their ways.
Life rules! Live on.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

What is Life?

What is life that we should be afraid of it? What is death that it should scare us away? Often people have said that dying is just a part of life. But is life just a part of dying? I mean, the short period that we actually exist on this earth. If you believe that the Earth is only like 4000 years old why is it that you live right now? Could it be possible that we exist in this moment in time for a reason? But what would that reason be? Is what you do in life now different than what you would be doing in any other period in time? I resolve that it has to be. There is no way that we could talk on these computers if we were in some other time period. Hey, we wouldn't have pencils until a few years ago. How did people actually live in earlier times? The answer is that they truly lived. We, in our pathetic lives, do nothing. We don't really live. We are a lazy society who seems to have everything at our fingertips. Did God really put us here at this very moment to sit in our "recliners?" I resolve that he did not.