Sunday, January 11, 2009

Some Thoughts

You know, I was sitting in church this morning wondering about some things.  One of these is, if you are a Christian, what sets you apart from a humanist?  If you hold to the Salvation Army motto and nothing else I would argue that there is nothing.  Can you call yourself a Christian if you don't put Christ in your life?  
I was also thinking about how people challenge the idea in the reformed community that women should not be pastors.  I sum up all these arguments by simply saying all the arguments against it pretty much come down to: "it just isn't fair."  It is not fair that women can't be pastors if they have the same gifts as men, supposedly.  This, of course, is not coming from a Christian argument, but from people who don't claim to be Christians.  Well, along those lines, I don't think that it is fair that I am not making $5 million dollars a year.  I mean, why should I not be making that much money?  Life just isn't fair, right?  Why am I not playing professional baseball?  There are some things in my life that I have come to accept.  I have accepted that I am not going to ever weigh 120 lbs, unless I am like 5 feet tall.  I think we all have things in life that we simply can't explain, so we should not walk around with a huge chip on our shoulders saying that "it is not fair."  


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