Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Some Interesting Comments

I am reminded of the word pelupula which Reuben would always say for some reason. Anyways, my weekly post is upon us. It could be the same as xanga, but maybe it will be different.
So, I heard that the freshmen at Dordt are getting the TNIV. How completely unfortunate and what a waste of paper. Yes, we are dutch so we take handouts, but this Bible is so wrong. Gender neutralnis (I made up a word) is not acceptable in the Bible. There is a distinction that should be made. Looking at Zondervan's website it says that the same translators that did this did the NIV. Well, without taking away from the NIV, how can this be possible? The NIV specifically renders certain words male as to take away any doubt that women can do the task. And in this version it isn't rendered the same way? That would mean that these translators have changed their ways.
Life rules! Live on.


At 9/11/05 22:08, Blogger Jihad Hernandez said...

either way, life still somewhat sucks for women in Christianity. Significantly less than in Islam, but, depending on the church, it can suck.

At 10/11/05 10:28, Blogger Mike E said...

I would have to agree that the church as a whole has really mistreated women over the years and really supressed them in many ways. I have been a part of that mistreating in the past and I apologize for that. I don't believe that God does not want women to be leaders in the church. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galations 3:28
And would have to agree that I am am not a fan of the non gender specificness idea in the TNIV. I think it can take away from so much of the cultural context. Maybe it is helping some also though.


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