On My Soapbox
Once again I will go in my hole against some music. As pointed out to me yesterday, "We Bow Down" makes no sense. The words say we bow down and crown him the king. But what are we crowning him the king of? Now Jesus in no means is "stuck-up" but what can we really crown him? Some selfish crown by us does nothing. The Father has already crowned him King. Are we crowning him the king of our lives? Well, that doesn't make much sense because we are still sinners. We are sinners saved by grace, but we are still sinners. That crown does not really work because then you are attributing your sins to Christ. Christ did die for our sins, but basically you are telling the world that you are doing evil and Christ is helping you do evil. The ultimate crown for Jesus is the one given by the Father. Nothing that we can do will ever match up to that.
We live in an evil age where the Devil is tempting us every day. This is a fact. We have glory to look forward to, but until that day we have the devil looming over us. Most people repeat certain sins and everytime they do so the Devil looms over and says "haha, you did it again." At the same time the devil has provoked you to do it, so it is a double portion. We get coaxed into things all the time and the moment that it happens and we realize that we have done it we feel guilty about it. This is certainly the devil at work. But God looks down at us and says "don't worry my child, I sent MY son to take care of that. If you confess your wrong I am faithful to forgive you."
I have posted it many times before, but this stanza just hits me right now:
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,Even so, it is well with my soul.