Monday, October 02, 2006


I have often wondered why people go to church. What really is the reasoning? Do they view it as some kind of penance? Like if they go to church X amount of times that guarantees that they will see God in Heaven? I feel that church just get stagnant for so many people. They say that they have to go to church but they are not really sure why. Is there actually a reason for you to go to church? We are supposed to gather as a covenant body, but when we gather are we really praising God? Sometimes I would challenge that. We will take for instance Dr. Clark's favorite song, "Shine, Jesus, Shine." What in that song actually is worshipful? We are telling Christ to start shining in this world. Isn't Christ already shining but we are diming him? Come on, that has to be it. Just looking over the lyrics again makes me sick. We are humans, prone to sin, and we are demanding that Christ do something? Christ already did something for us. He died for our sins and we are still saying that he needs to do more. (I am not admitting to a works principle here.) God will never take himself away from his people, but that is what this song is saying. It tells you that God has left and it begs for him to come back. This is not what worship should stand for. Worship is about singing praise to God telling him that we are not worthy and thanking him for choosing us. That is what it is all about, not self-centeredness. I have gone through ups and downs and the one thing that always remains is that Christ died for our sins and even if the devil tells us that we are not good enough Christ has made us good enough.
I was listening to Mulletman last night and he actually said that Moses had no identity because his earthly father provided him with nothing. He was talking about nothing but self-esteem. Mulletman insists this because in Exodus 3:11 Moses says "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" Yes, it is wonderful if we know our earthly parents (I love mine) but we get self esteem, or should, because we know God and Christ. If we are replacing them with things of this world we do have nothing. It doesn't matter how good your parents tell you you are, you are nothing without knowing who the Savior is and why he did what he did. You cannot know your true identity if you don't know the Father's identity. Many people can tell you who you are, but it is only God who can tell you truly who you are.


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