Monday, November 27, 2006

Eternal Life

I was watching House M.D. with Koop and Steph last night and the doctors were treating a nun. One of the doctors used to be in seminary, so he shared his favorite verse with the nun. It was 1 Peter 1:7, which says: "These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold- and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold. So if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." The doctor was asked why he quit seminary and his response was because he could not handle the trials and did not truly believe. That is really sad. The man was training to be a servant of God and just could not feel God's blessing on him. We all go through trials and temptations in our lives, but we know that God is still there for us. God will not allow us to go through more than we can handle. However, we need to realize that he knows what we can handle better than we know what we can handle. God is always helping us along the way, even while we think Satan is kicking us down. God is not evil, but good. Sure, we still have those trials and temptations, but they are meant to make our faith stronger. If God is for us no one can possibly be against us. We are God's children and he cares about us deeply.

Very Sad

As I have mentioned before, I belong to a yahoo group entitled "Defending Ellen G. White." Someone is about to say "why in the world do you belong to a SDA group?" I was invited and I did not refuse. But, I find something very sad in their understanding. As a Reformed Christian I believe that church is important. Many people will realize this, since I am studying to be a pastor. Well, someone on the SDA group sent an email out saying that they had not been in church in quite sometime. So, me being the crazy guy I am, sent an email saying how important it is to be a part of the corporate body and I get a response back that says this:
dear friend pastor Arnold says that returning to the fold (church) is not crucial to salvation, and in my dictonary one of the ways to define crucial is "decisive". i believe there is only One that is indeed crucial or desisive to my salvation and He is Jesus and Him crucified! yes of course the church of God is of vital imortance, however in this discussion i am seeking to see more clearly the priorities of the Good Shephard, and in this story it seems to me that a return to the fold is last on the i believe i have, for myself, discoverd a process which i have previously failed to see.....there are, in my view, here at least three things that the good Shephard does in reclaiming the lost sheep to the flock (His church) (see Luke 15:3-7) 1:He seeks for the lost sheep untill He finds it. He does not first seek to fill the absence of one with many. now, though not yet returned to the fold, has not the lost sheep been found?2:He lifts up the found sheep. He does not first send it running back to the flock to recieve instruction and support from other sheep. can an immortal God/Jesus really trust any mortal human understanding to truely lift up the hearts of His Children? now, though not yet returned and in the context of being lifted up by a Savior, can this sheep still be truely seen as lost?3:He Himself carries the found, and lifted up, sheep back to the flock rejoicing. Who is it that does the carrying? Who is it that returns the found sheep to the fold? in the process of returning is the one who was lost, though seemingly missing from the chruch, still lost?in one of the companion parables of Luke 15 does the Father wait at the front door to greet His prodical son? He runs and meets him a great way off, throws His arms of Love around him and kisses him! Has the wandering one been accepted by the Father, and forgiven even before he reaches home (church)?where does Jesus say to condemn another for not attending church? He simply says to "Love one other"where does Jesus teach that anyone is lost based on what can be seen? He simply teaches "Love one another" and "judge not".where does Jesus instruct anyone to first seek the salvation of those, who by human standards, are perceieved as lost? He simply instructs each one to "Love one another", "Judge not", and "seek {{{ye}}} first the kingdom of God, and His (Jesus') rightiousness"only after these priorities have been meant does Jesus say "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel" i believe that, for the gospel to recieve the full power of the Spirit (the later rain) the priorities of Jesus must first be realized collectively within the hearts of ALL who would truely desire to see Him in His glory. therefore, it seems to me, that untill then everthing else is just practice. we are sort of like God's roadies setting up the equipment, testing it, and warming up the audiance before the main event which is the mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God upon all the earth.