Thursday, January 12, 2006

It's been a while

So I read this article this morning about people suing a school district because the school district is teaching an ELECTIVE class on Intelligent Design. Why can't this issue just be left alone? Teaching ID as a theory doesn't even mean that it is true. It would just be another thing that could be taught in the schools. It says that life is too complex to exist on its own. There has to be a higher being that created things. This is a deistic idea though. This is meaning that someone did it and now it is left to people now. That doesn't even get at it being an ELECTIVE course. Can't you take a class on how the Bible is just a work of fiction at a regular university? Wouldn't that involve a seperation of church and state? You are going to a public university, paid for by tax dollars and you are allowed to take a class like that? Yes, it disproves the Bible, but at the same time you are allowing in a work that comes from a religious tradition. I just don't get it.
Our society continues to go further and further down the toilet every day. Some people just need to get a life.

Have you ever used the words vapid and shallow in the same sentence? Well, neither have I. I have no idea why that just came into my mind.
If you want something don't hold back. Go after it. You will never know how much it could have meant until after it could have been. I have friends getting married, or who are already married. The thoughts come into my mind as to what would have happened in life if I would have made the move instead of the people that they are with. But, then again, I look back to a previous relationship and see what could have been and I am glad that I am where I am. If I would be with that girl I would probably be married and be miserable. But, at the same time I could have been good. Whatever.
Yesterday is dead. Tomorrow hasn't arrived yet.I have just one day and I'm going to be happy in it- GROUCHO MARX -

So I get the CRC daily devotional delivered to my email every day. I finally read it just now. But, it was really good, so instead of an entry, I am just going to copy that here and let you reflect on it. Adam
"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16Some years ago a young man on his way to the funeral of a family member was killed in a car accident. A local newspaper quoted a state trooper as saying that the young man had been in "the wrong place at the wrong time." That comment raises an important question: Is the outcome of our lives in this new year just a matter of being at a certain place at a certain time? Is my life no more than a matter of chance or of making sure I don't take the wrong turn? Thank God that the outcome of my life is not determined by such things. Of course God does not want us to be careless or reckless. But when all is said and done, life is not a matter of chance, and whether I live or die this year is not determined by being in a certain place at a certain time. According to Psalm 139:16, the number of my days is carefully determined by God himself. The Lord Jesus says that not even a sparrow falls "to the ground apart from the will of [our] Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matthew 10:29-30). With that assurance I can enter into a new year, travel when I have to, make plans, and do all sorts of things trusting that God is watching over me. God himself has determined the number of my days.