Tuesday, May 09, 2006

7th Day Adventists

Okay, for some insane reason I joined this Christian yahoo group. It is a Seventh Day Adventist group and it is evident that they don't think straight. These people post all sorts of things on Ellen White, who I must admit I have no clue about.
So, I sent these people an email in the group saying the following:
I find it almost laughable that I was invited to this group. Not only am I not a seventh-day adventist, but I am nowhere close. I don't believe in defending this woman who obviously was wrong, as prophesies are no longer used by God. I also in general do not believe that women hold offices in the church, and as such, Ellen White cannot be true. And last of all, why in the world does the woman need to be defended by you people if she is so good?
And in the digest today I get an email asking for diligent prayer because Satan is at work because 3 Angel Broadcasting Network was taken off Sky Angel. The network had a signal error. Yes, that may be Satan at work, but if you had good technology then it would not be a problem. So, is there really a "Christian" station that I actually agree with? Hmm, about the only thing that I can think of is public access channels back in South Holland and that is not a real station. Do I even know for a fact that 3ABN is a Christian network? I have no idea. So, I guess I could be wrong. But, the next time I pray I am not going to be praying for this network. Okay, later on in that same email it says "They (Sky Angel) is not even answering their 888 number, so call this long distance phone number so that you can get on them." Go read your Bible and stop worrying about watching Satellite Television.


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